Specialists in Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia

SOBA Pledges to end Sexism

SOBA is proud to have signed up to the British Medical Association’s (BMA) pledge on Ending Sexism in Medicine. The joint pledge aims to ensure that sexism is not tolerated within the medical profession, and that the gender of doctors or medical students plays no role in their career progression.
We pledge our support for a medical profession that:
Promotes a culture of respect for the competency and contribution of all doctors and medical students without assumptions or stereotypes based on gender.
Addresses the negative impact of gender stereotypes in medical education and career pathways.
Ensures equal opportunities for doctors and medical students to pursue and thrive in the career path of their choice, without gender stereotypes playing a limiting factor in their career.
Has systems to raise concerns that are transparent, fair, and accountable, that doctors and medical students have confidence in.
Takes targeted and evidence-based actions when addressing inequality. Recognising that women are more likely to experience sexism – while also acknowledging that other genders can be subject to disadvantage, for example, non-binary people being sexually harassed or men having less support to take parental leave due to gender stereotypes.